Saturday, July 12, 2008

Cynicism or Sympathy?

Some of the stories we cover as journalists are tough, sensitive, and down-right depressing. You ask yourself, "is this what the people REALLY want to hear?" Matter of is! I know some people say it's rude for journalists to go up to the family who just lost a loved one because we're filming it as we're hoping to see that tear roll down their cheek, or that crackle in their voice as they try to compose themselves but in a way it gives that "real" emotion of what's going on and by opening up their pain, others might feel the same. 
     When the public sees genuine people it tells them that the news is not fake or staged or even your so-called "reality TV shows." It's not only tough for the family members we interview but also the reporter him/herself because they're trying to stay strong themselves as they see the families break down throughout the interview. You have to think fast on WHAT types of questions to ask and HOW to ask them...just as if the victims were YOUR family. 
     A GOOD reporter will not bombard the family with too many questions, or simply rude ones.  Give them time to respond and really try to FEEL what they're feeling because I know EVERYONE has lost someone special to them or knows someone who has. We are all humans no matter what our profession may be and I know TV journalists are not so liked because we are persistent in chasing our story but adding the other elements: compassion, dedication, accuracy, and hard-working...a reporter can work in ANY situation and really be APPRECIATED by the work we do!